Advanced Threat Protection

For your Buiness

What Is Microsoft 365 Advanced Threat Protection?

With Microsoft 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), you can protect your mailboxes against new, sophisticated attacks in real time.

By protecting against unsafe attachments and expanding protection against malicious links, it complements the existing Hosted Exchange security features to provide better zero-day protection.

How Does Microsoft 365 ATP Keep You Protected?


It checks all email attachments to make sure they do not contain any virus or malware activity.


It detects attempts to impersonate your user and internal or custom domains. It applies machine learning models to avert phishing attacks.


When users collaborate and share files it will identify and block any malicious files in team sites and document libraries.


It provides time-of-click verification of URLs, for example, in emails messages and files. All links are scanned for any malicious links.

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