Cyber Essentials Insurance

Being compliant to Cyber Essentials has been shown to significantly reduce the likelihood and severity of a data breach.

Even with a significantly reduced the likelihood of a data breach, the risks still remain, especially if there is human error, a malicious insider or a concerted external attack. The presence of cyber insurance will provide vital incident response services and cover your costs in your hour of need.

The insurance provided with certification gives you £25,000 limit of indemnity so you may want to purchase a higher limit of cover in case you suffer a severe breach.

What Are The Benefits?


Claims made against you arising out of privacy wrongful acts.

Event Management

Including emergency costs, data breaches and costs of notifying data subjects.

Business Interruption

Loss of profit and expenses caused by a network compromise.

Loss of Electronic Data

Costs of fixing the issue that allowed the loss or damage to your data.

Regulatory Investigations

Defence costs & regulatory fines (where insurable by law).

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Read Our Cyber Security Insights

Recently, the amount of individuals working from home has seen an all-time high, but the number of those who do not have the correct security software implemented is staggering. This has led to a huge increase in cybercriminals attempting to perform attacks by exploiting remote login credentials and yours could be next!
Stay alert whilst using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), remote working is providing a massive opportunity for hackers! As a result of the current pandemic, most organisations are turning to Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to permit staff to work from home.
With cyber crime continuing to be one of the biggest threats to business, attackers are continually finding new ways to try to compromise the cyber security. Phishing emails and hacked email accounts are becoming increasingly common, particularly those which bank details can be changed in a bid to intercept payments.