Is your office social distancing friendly?

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Does your office support social distancing?

After the recent update from the Government, it is key to start planning on your social distancing strategy for when you get back to the office! Prepare yourself and your colleagues for social distancing in the office by reading our essential checklist below.

The main actions needing to take place is;

  • further increasing the frequency of hand washing and surface cleaning

  • using screens or barriers to separate people from each other

  • using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible

  • reducing the number of people each person has contact with by using ‘fixed teams or partnering’ (so each person works with only a few others

Is your office layout social distancing friendly?

  • You should take into consideration that along with sharing devices within the office, the use of a hot desk system does not support social distancing and could put you and your colleagues at risk. We can help with any office rearrangements needed.
  • The use of headsets could be useful for those who are usually taking calls, this avoids use of personal headphones or equipment which could be contaminated in the office.
  • We can help to ensure that your office has full WiFi coverage, if your main office does not have enough space to keep a 2 metre distance between each desk, you may have to resort in using meeting rooms and break rooms meaning your WiFi will need to be broadened.
  • In terms of arriving and departing from your office, staggering the times of peoples entries and leave will reduce crowding into and out of the workplace.
  • Along with social distancing measures in the office being in place, it is vital to also have hand-washing facilities and hand sanitiser provided for the safety of your colleagues.

Have you furloughed your staff?

  • If so, you need to consider how they will continue to work once furlough comes to an end. If they will be working from home,  you could consider getting them a Personal Device Audit to ensure that their device’s has maximum security and the latest software to protect your organisation’s data. We can help with any business or personal device audits.
  • Download our Free Home Working Hints & Tips Brochure now to help you make the most out of yours and your colleague’s home set-ups before returning to the office!

How will you be distributing the workload?

  • Have you got your strategy in place? If not, why not consider using Office 365 features? We can provide you with more information and also implement any Cloud Migrations if needed!
  • SharePoint Online can not only be used in the office but also remotely, it is great way to ensure easy collaboration with your colleagues and the best way to easily store and manage all of your files anywhere, in which you can easily share with other.
  • Microsoft Teams is an quick and efficient way to communicate with your colleagues anywhere, as long as you’re connected to an internet connection.

How are you going to inform your customers of your return to the office?

  • Are you in need of your website having a re-fresh and re-launch? This can be used to grow your business and inform your clients of your changes within the business. Our website developers are highly skilled and will be able to help with creating a new look or website for you


  • We can help review your printer service agreements with giving you an overall strategy and solution, this is to ensure that you’re getting value for money.
  • Our team can help you implement any remedial works, such as cabinet tidying or cabling. This can help the organisation of your office and ensure a sufficient working area.

If you have any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us on [email protected]


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