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What Are the Benefits of Microsoft CoPilot for Businesses?

Microsoft CoPilot is one such revolutionary tool designed to support businesses in achieving these goals. Powered by artificial intelligence, Microsoft CoPilot integrates flawlessly with various Microsoft 365 applications to provide intelligent assistance and insights. In this blog, we will explore the many benefits of Microsoft CoPilot for businesses.

Qlic IT’s 2024 Vision

Unveiling innovative tech solutions, charity initiatives, and team growth for enhanced client and community engagement.

Qlic 2023 Greatest Hits

As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s the perfect moment to look back on our accomplishments and milestones at Qlic.

What is Microsoft Copilot?

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an AI-powered tool that collaborates with your company’s data to propose appropriate methods to fulfil a task.

2022: Year in Review

With 2022 drawing to an end, we thought it would be a great time to reflect on our year at Qlic (formerly Premier Choice Internet).

Microsoft 365 New Commerce Experience – Everything You Need To Know

Microsoft 365 has recently announced their New Commerce Experience, including price increases and new licensing models, which is taking effect from 1st July 2022. This news may lead to slight confusion or concern, if so carry on reading this blog to find out everything you need to know about the new experience.

8 Ways To Stay Productive In The Workplace

Staying productive whilst at work can sometimes be challenging however, there are ways in which you can increase your productivity significantly. Whether it be the equipment you use in the office or your routine whilst being in the workplace, there are several options for everyone to take on board to ensure increased productivity!

Our Goals For 2022

Every year we like to collate our goals and aspirations for the year ahead as a team. We believe this motivates our whole team to work together to achieve these goals and turns those January blues into motive and inspiration! This year we have come up with 4 amazing goals which we will strive to achieve in 2022. Here they are…

2021 : Year In Review

2021 for Qlic has been one of the most exciting years for us to date! We have reached some unforgettable milestones…

3 Top Tips for Passing Cyber Essentials

The Cyber Essentials scheme is a cyber security standard, which organisations can be assessed and certified against. It identifies the security controls that an organisation must have

Should You Upgrade to Windows 11?

Windows 11 is now the latest version of Windows available to the public. It has been enhanced and redesigned for productivity, creativity and ease of use. The team at Microsoft has simplified the overall design and has created a user experience that empowers your productivity and inspires your creativity.

Post-Pandemic – How has the Cyber Security Landscape Changed?

e 2020, there has been a massive global shift in the way organisations communicate, collaborate and generally do business! Everything turned digital, team members took to platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom to communicate with their colleagues. But where does cyber security come into all of this?

Revealed! Here’s Why We’re Rebranding Now

After almost 20 years, we’ve decided to refresh our brand and reinvent ourselves for the future. It’s the same excellent experience but delivered in a spectacular new uniform which seamlessly symbolises our values and personality.

7 Reasons Why you Should Update your Website

If a reader has never heard of your business before and has found you online, what impression does your website give? When was the last time you thought to update your website to give it that modern and up-to-date feel? There is no better or more cost-effective way to advertise your business than via your own website, so making sure it’s constantly up-to-date and eye-catching is key!

Hybrid Events – The New Normal

Due to recent events, people are increasingly started to manage their work and daily tasks, such as online ordering, from the comfort of their own homes. So what better way to make your upcoming events of more interest than by making them Hybrid events!

This is How to Improve your Brand Presence

With the advancement in technology and the internet, the list of things your business can do to improve it’s brand presence is now endless! Boosting your business’ brand awareness via the internet is a crucial step to promoting your business which cannot be skipped.

Is Old Technology Holding your Business Back?

It’s easy to continue running older technology in your business, taking a view of waiting for it to die until being replaced. However, reviewing your current technology once a year and implementing a Hardware Lifecycle is vital to ensuring your your employees are able to work efficiently for your business. Keep reading to find out the issues revolved around the use of old technology!

The Key to Onboarding New Employees Remotely

Many organisations are now resorting to conducting their onboarding processes remotely, meaning that slight adjustments will have to be made.  Keep reading this blog to find out our tips for creating a smooth onboarding process for your organisation to take into consideration!

4 Things To Consider Before Returning To Your Office

After the Government announcement on Monday, it is vital that you start to consider some procedures before returning to your office around June! Not only is it imperative to take into consideration your employees health and safety, but it is also essential to make sure that your office’s technology is up to scratch. Take a look at the 4 things we think you should consider before re-opening your office –

SharePoint Basics You Need To Know

SharePoint has been a massive ‘life-saver’ for most businesses that have remote working staff during this unprecedented time. It is a great management and collaboration tool developed by Microsoft which assists with bringing business together by secure document management, collaboration opportunities and much more. Carry on reading this blog to find out some of SharePoint’s features that will optimise your remote working!

How Cybercriminals are Capitalising on Remote Working

Recently, the amount of individuals working from home has seen an all-time high, but the number of those who do not have the correct security software implemented is staggering. This has led to a huge increase in cybercriminals attempting to perform attacks by exploiting remote login credentials and yours could be next!

What You Need To Know About SharePoint

With remote working more prevalent than ever, it is vital to make the most of the top softwares to optimise your home working. SharePoint is a great software for remote working, it is a web-based collaboration and document management platform which can be used anywhere that has an internet connection! Watch our series of demos below to find out everything you need to know about SharePoint;

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